As of September 1, 2022 and subject to change as required
Name: Batawa Community Sports Inc. (Batawa Ski Hill)
Due the inherent risk of infection by Covid-19, certain protocols are important to maintain the safety of guests and staff
Specific Duties:
General Safe Operating Plan
Batawa Ski Hill will closely follow the provincial health authorities and regulator guidance and regulations.
As direction is provided from Government regarding Covid-19 restrictions, it is understood that the safety plan will evolve to ensure worker and patron safety.
Batawa Ski Hill is implementing measures to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
Batawa Ski Hill is implementing disinfection measures to reduce the potential of surface to hand and/or airborne transmissions.
Batawa Ski Hill is providing physical barriers and/or personal protective equipment for staff.
Elimination Controls
All guests must self-screen as per the signs posted at all entrances.
Patrons and/or employees are requested not to enter Batawa Ski Hill facilities if experiencing Covid-19 symptoms.
Social distancing is recommended at all times.
Mask use is not required but strongly recommended for guests and staff while inside the building.
All contact surfaces will be sanitized frequently throughout the day.
Administrative Controls
Touchless payment options are encouraged. All products and services are available for purchase online.
All lift ticket redemptions, retail product redemptions etc. are provided at outside ticket windows.
Signage regarding all Covid-19 procedures and policies that are in place are posted;
On the Batawa Ski Hill website
On posters in, and around, the Batawa Ski Hill chalet.
Workers will be on-site at all times to ensure that adequate cleaning and sanitization procedures are carried out continuously and that all cleaning protocols are being followed.
Sanitization and cleaning will be logged.
If Covid-19 symptoms are experienced while at Batawa Ski Hill, the patron, or staff, must notify Batawa Ski Hill management and go home to monitor further symptoms.
All staff will be screened for Covid-19 symptoms prior to each work shift using an on-line wellness check questionnaire.
Engineering Controls
Outdoor dining area is provided and encouraged. A take-out window is installed for guests to dine outside
Plexi glass barriers are in place at all customer service locations.
Permanent and portable sanitization stations are available in visible locations throughout the buildings and at all entry points.
All contact surfaces will be sanitized frequently throughout the day.
Administrative Controls
All lift ticket redemptions, retail product redemptions etc. are provided at outside ticket windows.
All products and services are available through e-commerce. Lift tickets and rental equipment are encouraged to be purchased in advance via e-commerce. Limited quantities of products are available for purchase on-site.