"Connections" Activity #2


Alphabet Hunt

Here’s one for all your parents who have a little one at home just learning the alphabet.

Take a walk in an urban area, a park, a public building, a forest, or even around your home. Look around in your surroundings and start looking for things that look like letters of the alphabet. I bet you can find close to, if not all, of the 26 letters! 

We completed our own at Batawa and put it into a collage for you to see how we did. 

Looking up, down, sideways, & upside down!

Make it into a scavenger hunt and time how long it takes. Can’t find a letter? Try making it out of whatever materials you can pick up like sticks, pinecones, or rope.

Alphabet City.jpg

Our book recommendation.

Inspired by this amazing book by Stephen Johnson. Each page is a stunning picture of a different letter of the alphabet found in the city!

Sydney Smith